The world needs change.

Deep, revolutionary changes.

Changes that require unimaginable collaborations, scalable solutions, and outcomes that benefits all who inhabit this planet.

And all of this must be done yesterday.

The capital market is one of the starting point. It sustains and finances the reality we live in, and there’s no possible change without it. But, for that, it also needs to change.

We need to redefine the market by investing in transformations the world needs.

fama, a Responsible Investments platform, believes in a new possible model, based on everything the market can and should be doing.

Bringing together knowledge, commitments, processes, and a network built over more than 30 years of experience, we manage original and high-performance products, delivering financial results with socio-environmental impact.

Without investments, the world won’t change.

Without change, there's no possible future.

fama is a company committed to ethical investments since 1993. We embrace a comprehensive approach, considering not only financial results but also the impact on stakeholders, incorporating ethical, environmental, and human rights considerations into our analyses and investment strategies. Our approach is predominantly qualitative, reflecting our commitment to responsible business practices.

We are proud to be certified as a B Corp and recognized as vocal advocates for ethical values, ESG, and the climate agenda. We were pioneers in Brazil in measuring and disclosing the carbon footprint of our portfolio and establishing our own Stewardship Code.

Furthermore, we play an active role in the global community of investors committed to sustainability. We are the only Latin American asset manager co-founder of the Net Zero Asset Manager initiative (NZAM) and the only Brazilian member of the Nature Action 100.

We have received global recognition as a case study for our climate commitments by The Investor Agenda and were finalists in the PRI Awards for our climate-related leadership.

Our dedication extends beyond financial investments. We make social investments through our NGO, FAMA Institute, established in 2010. The Institute supports causes related to human rights and the environment, demonstrating our commitment to contributing to a fair and more sustainable world.

Our founder has a long history of contribution with sustainability and third-sector organizations. Currently, he serves as an advisor to renowned institutions, including WWF Brazil, LIFE Institute, Instituto Ethos, and “Pacto pela Equidade Racial”, reinforcing our dedication to promoting ethical values and responsible practices across all spheres of society.

Onde estamos

Rua Olimpíadas 134, conj. 42
Vila Olímpia, São Paulo-SP

